Magnum/Math/Intersection.h file

Namespace Magnum::Math::Intersection.


namespace Magnum
Root namespace.
namespace Magnum::Math
Math library.
namespace Magnum::Math::Intersection
Functions for calculating intersections.


template<class T>
auto pointCircle(const Vector2<T>& point, const Vector2<T>& circleCenter, T circleRadius) -> bool new in Git master
Intersection of a point and a circle in 2D.
template<class T>
auto pointSphere(const Vector3<T>& point, const Vector3<T>& sphereCenter, T sphereRadius) -> bool new in Git master
Intersection of a point and a sphere in 3D.
template<class T>
auto lineSegmentLineSegment(const Vector2<T>& p, const Vector2<T>& r, const Vector2<T>& q, const Vector2<T>& s) -> Containers::Pair<T, T>
Intersection of two line segments in 2D.
template<class T>
auto lineSegmentLine(const Vector2<T>& p, const Vector2<T>& r, const Vector2<T>& q, const Vector2<T>& s) -> T
Intersection of line segment and line in 2D.
template<class T>
auto planeLine(const Vector4<T>& plane, const Vector3<T>& p, const Vector3<T>& r) -> T
Intersection of a plane and line.
template<class T>
auto pointFrustum(const Vector3<T>& point, const Frustum<T>& frustum) -> bool
Intersection of a point and a frustum.
template<class T>
auto rangeFrustum(const Range3D<T>& range, const Frustum<T>& frustum) -> bool
Intersection of a range and a frustum.
template<class T>
auto rayRange(const Vector3<T>& rayOrigin, const Vector3<T>& inverseRayDirection, const Range3D<T>& range) -> bool new in Git master
Intersection of a ray with a range.
template<class T>
auto aabbFrustum(const Vector3<T>& aabbCenter, const Vector3<T>& aabbExtents, const Frustum<T>& frustum) -> bool
Intersection of an axis-aligned box and a frustum.
template<class T>
auto sphereFrustum(const Vector3<T>& sphereCenter, T sphereRadius, const Frustum<T>& frustum) -> bool
Intersection of a sphere and a frustum.
template<class T>
auto pointCone(const Vector3<T>& point, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, Rad<T> coneAngle) -> bool
Intersection of a point and a cone.
template<class T>
auto pointCone(const Vector3<T>& point, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, T tanAngleSqPlusOne) -> bool
Intersection of a point and a cone using precomputed values.
template<class T>
auto pointDoubleCone(const Vector3<T>& point, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, Rad<T> coneAngle) -> bool
Intersection of a point and a double cone.
template<class T>
auto pointDoubleCone(const Vector3<T>& point, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, T tanAngleSqPlusOne) -> bool
Intersection of a point and a double cone using precomputed values.
template<class T>
auto sphereConeView(const Vector3<T>& sphereCenter, T sphereRadius, const Matrix4<T>& coneView, Rad<T> coneAngle) -> bool
Intersection of a sphere and a cone view.
template<class T>
auto sphereConeView(const Vector3<T>& sphereCenter, T sphereRadius, const Matrix4<T>& coneView, T sinAngle, T tanAngle) -> bool
Intersection of a sphere and a cone view.
template<class T>
auto sphereCone(const Vector3<T>& sphereCenter, T sphereRadius, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, Rad<T> coneAngle) -> bool
Intersection of a sphere and a cone.
template<class T>
auto sphereCone(const Vector3<T>& sphereCenter, T sphereRadius, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, T sinAngle, T tanAngleSqPlusOne) -> bool
Intersection of a sphere and a cone using precomputed values.
template<class T>
auto aabbCone(const Vector3<T>& aabbCenter, const Vector3<T>& aabbExtents, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, Rad<T> coneAngle) -> bool
Intersection of an axis aligned bounding box and a cone.
template<class T>
auto aabbCone(const Vector3<T>& aabbCenter, const Vector3<T>& aabbExtents, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, T tanAngleSqPlusOne) -> bool
Intersection of an axis aligned bounding box and a cone using precomputed values.
template<class T>
auto rangeCone(const Range3D<T>& range, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, const Rad<T> coneAngle) -> bool
Intersection of a range and a cone.
template<class T>
auto rangeCone(const Range3D<T>& range, const Vector3<T>& coneOrigin, const Vector3<T>& coneNormal, const T tanAngleSqPlusOne) -> bool
Intersection of a range and a cone using precomputed values.