new in 2019.10
DART PhysicsIntegration of DART Physics into Magnum.
A robotic manipulator with a gripper that the user can control to create towers of small colored boxes, showcasing the DartIntegration library together with SceneGraph using DartIntegration::

Key controls
- Arrow keys rotate the camera around
- R, G, B make the manipulator to go above the red, green, blue box (and switch to control mode)
- C, O closes/opens the gripper
- D, U, Z, X make the manipulator to go down, up, left or right
- H makes the manipulator to go to home position (and switches to idle mode)
- Space resets the world
This example is contributed by Konstantinos Chatzilygeroudis. The example makes use of the DART Physics library, see documentation of the DartIntegration namespace for license information. The KUKA manipulator URDF is a modified version of the one in the iiwa_
Full source code is linked below and also available in the magnum-examples GitHub repository. This example depends on the DartIntegration library and the AssimpImporter plugin which are not a part of the core Magnum repository, see their documentation for usage instructions.