Magnum/Ui/Handle.h file new in Git master

Handle Magnum::Ui::LayerHandle, Magnum::Ui::LayerDataHandle, Magnum::Ui::DataHandle, Magnum::Ui::NodeHandle, Magnum::Ui::LayouterHandle, Magnum::Ui::LayouterDataHandle, Magnum::Ui::LayoutHandle, Magnum::Ui::AnimatorHandle, Magnum::Ui::AnimatorDataHandle, Magnum::Ui::AnimationHandle, function Magnum::Ui::layerHandle(), Magnum::Ui::layerHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::layerHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::layerDataHandle(), Magnum::Ui::layerDataHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::layerDataHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::dataHandle(), Magnum::Ui::dataHandleLayer(), Magnum::Ui::dataHandleData(), Magnum::Ui::dataHandleLayerId(), Magnum::Ui::dataHandleLayerGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::dataHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::dataHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::nodeHandle(), Magnum::Ui::nodeHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::nodeHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::layouterHandle(), Magnum::Ui::layouterHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::layouterHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::layouterDataHandle(), Magnum::Ui::layouterDataHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::layouterDataHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::layoutHandle(), Magnum::Ui::layoutHandleLayouter(), Magnum::Ui::layoutHandleData(), Magnum::Ui::layoutHandleLayouterId(), Magnum::Ui::layoutHandleLayouterGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::layoutHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::layoutHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::animatorHandle(), Magnum::Ui::animatorHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::animatorHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::animatorDataHandle(), Magnum::Ui::animatorDataHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::animatorDataHandleGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::animationHandle(), Magnum::Ui::animationHandleAnimator(), Magnum::Ui::animationHandleData(), Magnum::Ui::animationHandleAnimatorId(), Magnum::Ui::animationHandleAnimatorGeneration(), Magnum::Ui::animationHandleId(), Magnum::Ui::animationHandleGeneration()


namespace Magnum
Root namespace.
namespace Magnum::Ui
UI library.


enum class LayerHandle: UnsignedShort { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Layer handle.
enum class LayerDataHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Layer data handle.
enum class DataHandle: UnsignedLong { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Layer data handle.
enum class NodeHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Node handle.
enum class LayouterHandle: UnsignedShort { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Layouter handle.
enum class LayouterDataHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Layouter data handle.
enum class LayoutHandle: UnsignedLong { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Layout handle.
enum class AnimatorHandle: UnsignedShort { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Animator handle.
enum class AnimatorDataHandle: UnsignedInt { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Animator data handle.
enum class AnimationHandle: UnsignedLong { Null = 0 } new in Git master
Animation handle.


auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto layerHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayerHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a layer handle from an ID and a generation.
auto layerHandleId(LayerHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from a layer handle.
auto layerHandleGeneration(LayerHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from a layer handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerDataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto layerDataHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayerDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a layer data handle from an ID and a generation.
auto layerDataHandleId(LayerDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from a layer data handle.
auto layerDataHandleGeneration(LayerDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from a layer data handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, DataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto dataHandle(LayerHandle layerHandle, UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> DataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a data handle from a layer handle, a data ID and a data generation.
auto dataHandle(LayerHandle layerHandle, LayerDataHandle layerDataHandle) -> DataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a data handle from a layer handle and a layer data handle.
auto dataHandleLayer(DataHandle handle) -> LayerHandle constexpr new in Git master
Extract layer handle from a data handle.
auto dataHandleData(DataHandle handle) -> LayerDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Extract layer data handle from a data handle.
auto dataHandleLayerId(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract layer ID from a data handle.
auto dataHandleLayerGeneration(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract layer generation from a data handle.
auto dataHandleId(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from a data handle.
auto dataHandleGeneration(DataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from a data handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, NodeHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto nodeHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> NodeHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a node handle from an ID and a generation.
auto nodeHandleId(NodeHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from a node handle.
auto nodeHandleGeneration(NodeHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from a node handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayouterHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto layouterHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayouterHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a layouter handle from an ID and a generation.
auto layouterHandleId(LayouterHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from a layouter handle.
auto layouterHandleGeneration(LayouterHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from a layouter handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayouterDataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto layouterDataHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayouterDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a layouter data handle from an ID and a generation.
auto layouterDataHandleId(LayouterDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from a layouter data handle.
auto layouterDataHandleGeneration(LayouterDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from a layouter data handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayoutHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto layoutHandle(LayouterHandle layouterHandle, UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> LayoutHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a layout handle from a layouter handle, a layouter data ID and a layouter data generation.
auto layoutHandle(LayouterHandle layouterHandle, LayouterDataHandle layouterDataHandle) -> LayoutHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a layout handle from a layouter handle and a layouter data handle.
auto layoutHandleLayouter(LayoutHandle handle) -> LayouterHandle constexpr new in Git master
Extract layouter handle from a layout handle.
auto layoutHandleData(LayoutHandle handle) -> LayouterDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Extract layouter data handle from a layout handle.
auto layoutHandleLayouterId(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract layouter ID from a layout handle.
auto layoutHandleLayouterGeneration(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract layouter generation from a layout handle.
auto layoutHandleId(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from a layout handle.
auto layoutHandleGeneration(LayoutHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from a layout handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto animatorHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> AnimatorHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose an animator handle from an ID and a generation.
auto animatorHandleId(AnimatorHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from an animator handle.
auto animatorHandleGeneration(AnimatorHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from an animator handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimatorDataHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto animatorDataHandle(UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> AnimatorDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose an animator data handle from an ID and a generation.
auto animatorDataHandleId(AnimatorDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from an animator data handle.
auto animatorDataHandleGeneration(AnimatorDataHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from an animator data handle.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, AnimationHandle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
Debug output operator.
auto animationHandle(AnimatorHandle animatorHandle, UnsignedInt id, UnsignedInt generation) -> AnimationHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose an animation handle from an animator handle, an animator data ID and an animator data generation.
auto animationHandle(AnimatorHandle animatorHandle, AnimatorDataHandle animatorDataHandle) -> AnimationHandle constexpr new in Git master
Compose a animation handle from an animator handle and an animator data handle.
auto animationHandleAnimator(AnimationHandle handle) -> AnimatorHandle constexpr new in Git master
Extract animator handle from an animation handle.
auto animationHandleData(AnimationHandle handle) -> AnimatorDataHandle constexpr new in Git master
Extract animator data handle from an animation handle.
auto animationHandleAnimatorId(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract animator ID from an animation handle.
auto animationHandleAnimatorGeneration(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract animator generation from an animation handle.
auto animationHandleId(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract ID from an animation handle.
auto animationHandleGeneration(AnimationHandle handle) -> UnsignedInt constexpr new in Git master
Extract generation from an animation handle.