Magnum/OvrIntegration/Enums.h file

Enum Magnum::OvrIntegration::HmdType, Magnum::OvrIntegration::TrackingOrigin, Magnum::OvrIntegration::TrackerFlag, Magnum::OvrIntegration::Button, Magnum::OvrIntegration::Touch, Magnum::OvrIntegration::StatusFlag, Magnum::OvrIntegration::SessionStatusFlag, Magnum::OvrIntegration::PerformanceHudMode, Magnum::OvrIntegration::DebugHudStereoMode, Magnum::OvrIntegration::LayerHudMode, Magnum::OvrIntegration::ErrorType, enum set Magnum::OvrIntegration::TrackerFlags, Magnum::OvrIntegration::Buttons, Magnum::OvrIntegration::Touches, Magnum::OvrIntegration::StatusFlags, Magnum::OvrIntegration::SessionStatusFlags.


namespace Magnum
Root namespace.
namespace Magnum::OvrIntegration
Integration with the Oculus SDK (LibOVR)


struct Magnum::OvrIntegration::Buttons
struct Magnum::OvrIntegration::Touches


enum class HmdType: Int { None = ovrHmd_None, DK1 = ovrHmd_DK1, DKHD = ovrHmd_DKHD, DK2 = ovrHmd_DK2, CB = ovrHmd_CB, Other = ovrHmd_Other, E3_2015 = ovrHmd_E3_2015, ES06 = ovrHmd_ES06, ES09 = ovrHmd_ES09, ES11 = ovrHmd_ES11, CV1 = ovrHmd_CV1 }
HMD type.
enum class TrackingOrigin: Int { EyeLevel = ovrTrackingOrigin_EyeLevel, FloorLevel = ovrTrackingOrigin_FloorLevel }
Tracking origin.
enum class TrackerFlag: Int { Connected = ovrTracker_Connected, PoseTracked = ovrTracker_PoseTracked }
Tracker flag.
enum class Button: UnsignedInt { A = ovrButton_A, B = ovrButton_B, X = ovrButton_X, Y = ovrButton_Y, RThumb = ovrButton_RThumb, RShoulder = ovrButton_RShoulder, LThumb = ovrButton_LThumb, LShoulder = ovrButton_LShoulder, Up = ovrButton_Up, Down = ovrButton_Down, Left = ovrButton_Left, Right = ovrButton_Right, Enter = ovrButton_Enter, Back = ovrButton_Back, VolUp = ovrButton_VolUp, VolDown = ovrButton_VolDown, Home = ovrButton_Home }
enum class Touch: UnsignedInt { A = ovrTouch_A, B = ovrTouch_B, X = ovrTouch_X, Y = ovrTouch_Y, RThumb = ovrTouch_RThumb, LThumb = ovrTouch_LThumb, RIndexTrigger = ovrTouch_RIndexTrigger, LIndexTrigger = ovrTouch_LIndexTrigger, RIndexPointing = ovrTouch_RIndexPointing, RThumbUp = ovrTouch_RThumbUp, LIndexPointing = ovrTouch_LIndexPointing, LThumbUp = ovrTouch_LThumbUp }
enum class ControllerType: Int { None = ovrControllerType_None, LTouch = ovrControllerType_LTouch, RTouch = ovrControllerType_RTouch, Touch = ovrControllerType_Touch, Remote = ovrControllerType_Remote, XBox = ovrControllerType_XBox, Active = ovrControllerType_Active }
Controller type.
enum class StatusFlag: Int { OrientationTracked = ovrStatus_OrientationTracked, PositionTracked = ovrStatus_PositionTracked }
Status flag.
enum class SessionStatusFlag: UnsignedByte { IsVisible = 0, HmdPresent = 1, HmdMounted = 2, DisplayLost = 3, ShouldQuit = 4, ShouldRecenter = 5 }
Session status flag.
enum class MirrorOption: UnsignedInt { Default = ovrMirrorOption_Default, PostDistortion = ovrMirrorOption_PostDistortion, LeftEyeOnly = ovrMirrorOption_LeftEyeOnly, RightEyeOnly = ovrMirrorOption_RightEyeOnly, IncludeGuardian = ovrMirrorOption_IncludeGuardian, IncludeNotifications = ovrMirrorOption_IncludeNotifications, IncludeSystemGui = ovrMirrorOption_IncludeSystemGui }
Mirror option.
enum class PerformanceHudMode: Int { Off = ovrPerfHud_Off, PerfSummary = ovrPerfHud_PerfSummary, LatencyTiming = ovrPerfHud_LatencyTiming, AppRenderTiming = ovrPerfHud_AppRenderTiming, CompRenderTiming = ovrPerfHud_CompRenderTiming, VersionInfo = ovrPerfHud_VersionInfo }
Performance HUD mode.
enum class DebugHudStereoMode: Int { Off = ovrDebugHudStereo_Off, Quad = ovrDebugHudStereo_Quad, QuadWithCrosshair = ovrDebugHudStereo_QuadWithCrosshair, CrosshairAtInfinity = ovrDebugHudStereo_CrosshairAtInfinity }
Debug HUD mode.
enum class LayerHudMode: Int { Off = ovrLayerHud_Off, Info = ovrLayerHud_Info }
Layer HUD mode.
enum class ErrorType: Int { MemoryAllocationFailure = ovrError_MemoryAllocationFailure, InvalidSession = ovrError_InvalidSession, Timeout = ovrError_Timeout, NotInitialized = ovrError_NotInitialized, InvalidParameter = ovrError_InvalidParameter, ServiceError = ovrError_ServiceError, NoHmd = ovrError_NoHmd, Unsupported = ovrError_Unsupported, DeviceUnavailable = ovrError_DeviceUnavailable, InvalidHeadsetOrientation = ovrError_InvalidHeadsetOrientation, ClientSkippedDestroy = ovrError_ClientSkippedDestroy, ClientSkippedShutdown = ovrError_ClientSkippedShutdown, AudioDeviceNotFound = ovrError_AudioDeviceNotFound, AudioComError = ovrError_AudioComError, Initialize = ovrError_Initialize, LibLoad = ovrError_LibLoad, LibVersion = ovrError_LibVersion, ServiceConnection = ovrError_ServiceConnection, ServiceVersion = ovrError_ServiceVersion, IncompatibleOs = ovrError_IncompatibleOS, DisplayInit = ovrError_DisplayInit, ServerStart = ovrError_ServerStart, Reinitialization = ovrError_Reinitialization, MismatchedAdapters = ovrError_MismatchedAdapters, LeakingResources = ovrError_LeakingResources, ClientVersion = ovrError_ClientVersion, OutOfDateOs = ovrError_OutOfDateOS, OutOfDateGfxDriver = ovrError_OutOfDateGfxDriver, IncompatibleGpu = ovrError_IncompatibleGPU, NoValidVrDisplaySystem = ovrError_NoValidVRDisplaySystem, Obsolete = ovrError_Obsolete, DisabledOrDefaultAdapter = ovrError_DisabledOrDefaultAdapter, HybridGraphicsNotSupported = ovrError_HybridGraphicsNotSupported, DisplayManagerInit = ovrError_DisplayManagerInit, TrackerDriverInit = ovrError_TrackerDriverInit, DisplayLost = ovrError_DisplayLost, TextureSwapChainFull = ovrError_TextureSwapChainFull, TextureSwapChainInvalid = ovrError_TextureSwapChainInvalid, RuntimeException = ovrError_RuntimeException }
Error type.


using TrackerFlags = Containers::EnumSet<TrackerFlag>
Tracker flags.
using StatusFlags = Containers::EnumSet<StatusFlag>
Status flags.
using SessionStatusFlags = Containers::EnumSet<SessionStatusFlag>
Session status flags.
using MirrorOptions = Containers::EnumSet<MirrorOption>
Tracker flags.


auto operator<<(Debug& debug, HmdType value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TrackingOrigin value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, TrackerFlag value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Button value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, Touch value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, ControllerType value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, StatusFlag value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, SessionStatusFlag value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, MirrorOption value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, PerformanceHudMode value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, DebugHudStereoMode value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LayerHudMode value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.
auto operator<<(Debug& debug, ErrorType value) -> Debug&
Debug output operator.