Integration.hConversion of libOVR math types.
Provides conversion for the following types:
Magnum type | Equivalent libOVR type |
Vector2i | ovrVector2i , ovrSizei |
Vector2 | ovrVector2f |
Vector3 | ovrVector3f |
Matrix4 | ovrMatrix4f |
Quaternion | ovrQuatf |
DualQuaternion | ovrPosef |
Range2Di | ovrRecti |
Unlike Magnum, OVR SDK stores matrices in row-major order, so these get transposed during the conversion.
Example usage:
#include <Magnum/OvrIntegration/Integration.h> ovrVector3f a{20.0f, 50.0f, -1.0f}; Vector3 b(a); using namespace Math::Literals; auto c = ovrPosef(DualQuaternion::rotation(15.0_degf, Vector3::xAxis()));