file new in Git master
LineLayer.hClass Magnum::
- namespace Magnum
- Root namespace.
- namespace Magnum::Ui
- UI library.
- struct Magnum::Ui::LineLayerCommonStyleUniform new in Git master
- Properties common to all LineLayer style uniforms.
- struct Magnum::Ui::LineLayerStyleUniform new in Git master
- LineLayer style uniform
- class Magnum::Ui::LineLayer new in Git master
- Line layer.
- class Magnum::Ui::LineLayer::Shared
- Shared state for the line layer.
- class Magnum::Ui::LineLayer::Shared::Configuration
- Configuration of a line layer shared state.
- enum class LineCapStyle: UnsignedByte { Butt, Square, Round, Triangle } new in Git master
- Line cap style.
- enum class LineJoinStyle: UnsignedByte { Miter, Bevel } new in Git master
- Line join style.
- enum class LineAlignment: UnsignedByte { TopLeft = Implementation::LineAlignmentTop|Implementation::LineAlignmentLeft, TopCenter = Implementation::LineAlignmentTop|Implementation::LineAlignmentCenter, TopRight = Implementation::LineAlignmentTop|Implementation::LineAlignmentRight, MiddleLeft = Implementation::LineAlignmentMiddle|Implementation::LineAlignmentLeft, MiddleCenter = Implementation::LineAlignmentMiddle|Implementation::LineAlignmentCenter, MiddleRight = Implementation::LineAlignmentMiddle|Implementation::LineAlignmentRight, BottomLeft = Implementation::LineAlignmentBottom|Implementation::LineAlignmentLeft, BottomCenter = Implementation::LineAlignmentBottom|Implementation::LineAlignmentCenter, BottomRight = Implementation::LineAlignmentBottom|Implementation::LineAlignmentRight } new in Git master
- Line alignment.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LineCapStyle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LineJoinStyle value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.
- auto operator<<(Debug& debug, LineAlignment value) -> Debug& new in Git master
- Debug output operator.