Magnum::OvrIntegration::HeadLockableLayer class

Superclass for layers which can be locked relative to the HMD.

Base classes

class Layer
Wrapper around ovrLayerHeader

Derived classes

class LayerEyeFov
Wrapper around ovrLayerEveFov
class LayerQuad
Wrapper around ovrLayerQuad

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

HeadLockableLayer(LayerType type) explicit

Public functions

auto setHeadLocked(bool headLocked) -> HeadLockableLayer&
Set whether to lock this layer to the players head.
auto isHeadLocked() const -> bool
Whether this layer is locked to the players head.

Function documentation

HeadLockableLayer& Magnum::OvrIntegration::HeadLockableLayer::setHeadLocked(bool headLocked)

Set whether to lock this layer to the players head.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

The surface will move relative to the HMD rather than to the sensor/torso, remaining still while the head moves.