template<class T>
AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D class
Base transformation for three-dimensional scenes supporting translation, rotation and scaling.
See Polymorphic access to object transformation for more information.
Base classes
template<class T>class AbstractBasicTranslationRotation3D<T>
- Base transformation for three-dimensional scenes supporting translation and rotation.
Derived classes
template<class T>class BasicMatrixTransformation3D
- Three-dimensional transformation implemented using matrices.
template<class T>class BasicTranslationRotationScalingTransformation3D
- Three-dimensional transformation implemented using translation, rotation and scaling.
Public functions
auto scale(const Math::
Vector3 <T>& vector) -> AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D<T>& - Scale the object.
auto scaleLocal(const Math::
Vector3 <T>& vector) -> AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D<T>& - Scale the object as a local transformation.
Private functions
void doScale(const Math::
Vector3 <T>& vector) pure virtual - Polymorphic implementation for scale()
void doScaleLocal(const Math::
Vector3 <T>& vector) pure virtual - Polymorphic implementation for scaleLocal()
Function documentation
template<class T>
AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D<T>& Magnum::SceneGraph::AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D<T>:: scale(const Math::Vector3 <T>& vector)
Scale the object.
Returns | Reference to self (for method chaining) |
template<class T>
AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D<T>& Magnum::SceneGraph::AbstractBasicTranslationRotationScaling3D<T>:: scaleLocal(const Math::Vector3 <T>& vector)
Scale the object as a local transformation.
Similar to the above, except that the transformation is applied before all others.