Contact Us

You can con­tact the team and fol­low the de­vel­op­ment via the fol­low­ing means:

Con­trib­ute to the pro­ject

Make a dif­fer­ence by sub­mit­ting a bug re­port, fea­ture re­quest or sub­mit a patch. Best way to con­trib­ute is via the Git­Hub pro­ject page, but you can also send patches via e-mail or any oth­er way. Thank you!

Sup­port the de­vel­op­ment

We’re happy to ac­cept dona­tions of any form. Fin­an­cial sup­port is very wel­come, you can also donate hard­ware to im­prove sup­port for par­tic­u­lar plat­form. Even just shar­ing your suc­cess story us­ing Mag­num can make a dif­fer­ence. Con­tact us via if you’d like to help.