Magnum::Ui::TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform struct new in Git master

Properties common to all TextLayer editing style uniforms.

Together with one or more TextLayerEditingStyleUniform instances contains style properties that are used by the TextLayer shaders to draw the layer editing data such as cursors and selection rectangles, packed in a form that allows direct usage in uniform buffers. Is uploaded using TextLayer::Shared::setEditingStyle(), style data that aren't used by the shader are passed to the function separately.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform(DefaultInitT = DefaultInit) explicit constexpr noexcept
Construct with default values.
TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform(Float smoothness) constexpr
TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform(NoInitT) explicit noexcept
Construct without initializing the contents.

Public variables

Float smoothness
Edge smoothness radius.

Convenience setters

Provided to allow the use of method chaining for populating a structure in a single expression, otherwise equivalent to accessing the fields directly. Also guaranteed to provide backwards compatibility when packing of the actual fields changes.

auto setSmoothness(Float smoothness) -> TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform&
Set the smoothness field.

Function documentation

TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform& Magnum::Ui::TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform::setSmoothness(Float smoothness)

Set the smoothness field.

Returns Reference to self (for method chaining)

Variable documentation

Float Magnum::Ui::TextLayerCommonEditingStyleUniform::smoothness

Edge smoothness radius.

In pixels, i.e. setting the value to 1.0f will make the smoothing extend 1 pixel on each side of the edge. Default value is 0.0f.