
Quick guide for in­stalling Mag­num through vari­ous pack­aging sys­tems.


Pack­ages with the latest Git re­vi­sion are main­tained in the AUR. Sor­ted by de­pend­ency or­der:

Up­date by re-run­ning makepkg and in­stalling the new pack­age. You can also in­stall a tagged re­lease or build from with­in the source it­self, fur­ther info is in the doc­u­ment­a­tion.

Debi­an, Ubuntu and de­riv­at­ives

An in­ter­act­ive script build­ing and in­stalling *.deb pack­ages of the latest Git re­vi­sion, con­trib­uted by @cat­dotjs, is avail­able: Al­tern­at­ively, if you feel ad­ven­tur­ous, you can pipe it straight to shell:

bash <(curl

In­tern­ally, the script clones each re­pos­it­ory and builds the pack­age from pack­age sources con­tained in the re­pos­it­ory it­self. If you wish to per­form the pack­aging manu­ally, con­sult the doc­u­ment­a­tion.


Get the latest Git re­vi­sion via the mosra/homebrew-mag­num tap. Sor­ted by de­pend­ency or­der:

brew install --HEAD mosra/magnum/corrade
brew install --HEAD mosra/magnum/magnum
brew install --HEAD mosra/magnum/magnum-plugins
brew install --HEAD mosra/magnum/magnum-extras
brew install --HEAD mosra/magnum/magnum-integration
brew install --HEAD mosra/magnum/magnum-bindings
brew install --HEAD mosra/magnum/magnum-examples

To up­date, re­place install --HEAD with upgrade --fetch-HEAD. Some pack­ages con­tain flags for en­abling or dis­abling op­tion­al de­pend­en­cies, see the doc­u­ment­a­tion for more in­for.


Build and in­stall the latest Git re­vi­sion with the fol­low­ing:

vcpkg install --head corrade magnum magnum-plugins magnum-extras magnum-integration magnum-bindings magnum-examples

Up­dat­ing a vcp­kg pack­age needs to be done by first do­ing a vcpkg remove and then do­ing a vcpkg install --head again. For each pack­age it’s pos­sible to in­stall just a sub­set of the func­tion­al­ity, de­tails are lis­ted in the doc­u­ment­a­tion.