Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::MultiGestureEvent class

Multi gesture event.

Constructors, destructors, conversion operators

MultiGestureEvent(const MultiGestureEvent&) deleted
Copying is not allowed.
MultiGestureEvent(MultiGestureEvent&&) deleted
Moving is not allowed.

Public functions

auto operator=(const MultiGestureEvent&) -> MultiGestureEvent& deleted
Copying is not allowed.
auto operator=(MultiGestureEvent&&) -> MultiGestureEvent& deleted
Moving is not allowed.
auto isAccepted() const -> bool
Whether the event is accepted.
void setAccepted(bool accepted = true)
Set event as accepted.
auto center() const -> Vector2
Gesture center.
auto relativeRotation() const -> Float
Relative rotation.
auto relativeDistance() const -> Float
Relative distance.
auto fingerCount() const -> Int
Finger count.
auto event() const -> const SDL_Event&
Underlying SDL event.

Function documentation

void Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::MultiGestureEvent::setAccepted(bool accepted = true)

Set event as accepted.

If the event is ignored (i.e., not set as accepted), it might be propagated elsewhere, for example to another screen when using ScreenedApplication. By default is each event ignored and thus propagated.

Float Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::MultiGestureEvent::relativeRotation() const

Relative rotation.

Rotation relative to previous event.

Float Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::MultiGestureEvent::relativeDistance() const

Relative distance.

Distance of the fingers relative to previous event.

Int Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::MultiGestureEvent::fingerCount() const

Finger count.

Count of fingers performing the gesture.

const SDL_Event& Magnum::Platform::Sdl2Application::MultiGestureEvent::event() const

Underlying SDL event.