class new in Git master
#include <Magnum/Ui/EventLayer.h>
EventLayer Event handling layer.
Provides signal/slot-like functionality, connecting events happening on nodes with arbitrary functions handling them.
Setting up an event layer instance
If you create a UserInterfaceGL instance with a style and don't exclude StyleFeature::
In comparison, if you want to set up a custom event layer that's independent of the one exposed through UserInterface::
Ui::EventLayer& layer = ui.setLayerInstance( Containers::pointer<Ui::EventLayer>(ui.createLayer()));
Creating event handlers
An event handler is created by calling one of the on*()
APIs with a NodeHandle to react on (or any Widget instance, since it's implicitly convertible to a NodeHandle as well) and a desired function. For example, using onTapOrClick() to print a message to standard output when a button is tapped or clicked:
Ui::NodeHandle button = …; layer.onTapOrClick(button, []{ Debug{} << "Click!"; });
By default the event handler is tied to lifetime of the node it's added to. You can use the returned DataHandle to remove() it earlier, if needed. As an alternative, all APIs have on*Scoped()
variants that return a RAII EventConnection instance that removes the handler when destructed, which is useful for example when the lifetime is tied to a concrete class instance. In the following snippet, the onTapOrClickScoped() in addition uses a Containers::
class Observer { public: explicit Observer(Ui::EventLayer& layer, Ui::NodeHandle button): _c{layer.onTapOrClickScoped(button, {*this, &Observer::call})} {} void call() { … } private: Ui::EventConnection _c; };
Tap or click, press & release
A function passed to onTapOrClick() gets called when a Pointer::
The onMiddleClick() and onRightClick() APIs then expose the same functionality for Pointer::
All these functions have additional overloads that pass a node-relative position to the handler, useful in case the position matters. For example to calculate a concrete color when pressing on a color picker:
Ui::NodeHandle picker = …; layer.onPress(picker, [&ui, picker, …](const Vector2& position) { Vector2 normalized = position/ui.nodeSize(picker); Color3 color = Color3::fromHsv({…, normalized.x(), 1.0f - normalized.y()}); … });
Pointer drag
The onDrag() API calls a function when Pointer::
Below is an example of a (vertical) scrollbar implementation affecting a scrollable view. At its core, a scroll area is a node with NodeFlag::
Ui::NodeHandle scrollbar = …; Ui::NodeHandle scrollarea = ui.createNode(…, Ui::NodeFlag::Clip); Ui::NodeHandle contents = ui.createNode(scrollarea, …); layer.onDrag(scrollbar, [&ui, scrollarea, contents](const Vector2& relativePosition) { Vector2 offset = ui.nodeOffset(contents); offset.y() = Math::clamp(offset.y() - relativePosition.y(), ui.nodeSize(scrollarea).y() - ui.nodeSize(contents).y(), 0.0f); ui.setNodeOffset(contents, offset); });
As with other pointer event handlers, there's also an overload taking both a movement delta and a position within a node.
Scrolling using pointer drag
A common touch interface pattern for scrollable views is to drag on the view itself, without any scroll bars. Compared to above, the following implements scrolling using drag in both directions, with onDrag() set up on the scrollarea
layer.onDrag(scrollarea, [&ui, scrollarea, contents](const Vector2& relativePosition) { ui.setNodeOffset(contents, Math::clamp( ui.nodeOffset(contents) + relativePosition, ui.nodeSize(scrollarea) - ui.nodeSize(contents), Vector2{0.0f})); });
This however only works only as long as the drag isn't initiated on an inner node that itself accepts events, even if just for visual feedback. Because as shown for the tap or click above, as soon as a press gets accepted by an inner node, further events get captured on it and don't reach the scroll area. A solution is to enable NodeFlag::
ui.addNodeFlags(scrollarea, Ui::NodeFlag::FallthroughPointerEvents);
With this option it doesn't take over the drag events unconditionally because even just a tap where the pointer moves slightly between a press and a release would be interpreted as a drag of the whole area, making it almost impossible to interact with the inner contents. Instead, there's a distance threshold, configurable with setDragThreshold(), after which the press, move and release is no longer treated as a tap or click, but gets interpreted as a drag. Thus, after a press, the drag will be initially directed to items underneath, highlighting them for example, and only after reaching the threshold it'll jump and start scrolling instead of affecting the items underneath. See Pointer event fallthrough for a detailed description of this behavior.
If the contents don't need to be interacted with in any way, an alternative is to enable NodeFlag::
With onScroll() you can react to mouse wheel or touchpad scroll events. Note that in this case, compared to onDrag(), the offset is not in UI units, but rather scroll steps, where 1.0f
usually maps to one tick of a mouse scroll wheel, with right and up being positive. Such a step value is useful mainly for implementing actions like changing currently selected item in a dropdown or adjusting numeric values, however note that depending on the platform and system settings the step may also be a fractional value, and even with a magnitude less than one. Which means a plain integer conversion may result in it being zero.
The onDragOrScroll() then combines onDrag() and onScroll(), which is useful for scrollable views that want to react to both scroll events and pointer drag. In this case, the scroll step value is multiplied a factor configurable with setScrollStepDistance() to get an equivalent of a pointer drag distance. If scrolling using pointer drag is undesirable, you can also just use onScroll() and do the multiplication with scrollStepDistance() directly.
Pinch zoom and rotation
On input devices supporting multi-touch, onPinch() calls a function as soon as two fingers are pressed and dragged relatively to each other, passing it a scale, rotation and translation delta. As with onDrag(), the gesture is only recognized when it started on given node but the pointers can leave the area when pressed. As an example, the following snippet implements two-finger panning in a drawing application while the single-pointer onDrag() would be used for drawing:
Ui::NodeHandle canvas = …; layer.onDrag(canvas, [canvas](const Vector2& position, const Vector2& relativePosition) { // Draw ... }); layer.onPinch(canvas, [&ui, canvas](const Vector2&, const Vector2& relativeTranslation, const Complex&, Float) { ui.setNodeOffset(canvas, ui.nodeOffset(canvas) + relativeTranslation); // Also discard any in-progress draw from onDrag() that may have been made // while just one finger of the two was down ... });
Pointer enter and leave, focus and blur
With onEnter() and onLeave() you can implement various actions happening when the primary pointer enters or leaves the node area. Usually there's however just visual feedback, which is likely already handled by BaseLayer and TextLayer style transitions.
For nodes that have NodeFlag::
Base classes
- class AbstractLayer new in Git master
- Base for data layers.
Constructors, destructors, conversion operators
- EventLayer(LayerHandle handle) explicit
- Constructor.
- EventLayer(const EventLayer&) deleted
- Copying is not allowed.
- EventLayer(EventLayer&&) noexcept
- Move constructor.
- ~EventLayer() override
- Destructor.
Public functions
- auto operator=(const EventLayer&) -> EventLayer& deleted
- Copying is not allowed.
- auto operator=(EventLayer&&) -> EventLayer& noexcept
- Move assignment.
- auto usedScopedConnectionCount() const -> UnsignedInt
- Count of currently active EventConnection instances.
- auto usedAllocatedConnectionCount() const -> UnsignedInt
- Count of allocated connections.
- auto dragThreshold() const -> Float
- Distance threshold for fallthrough drag.
- auto setDragThreshold(Float distance) -> EventLayer&
- Set a distance threshold for fallthrough drag.
- auto scrollStepDistance() const -> Vector2
- Distance for a single scroll step.
- auto setScrollStepDistance(const Vector2& distance) -> EventLayer&
- Set a distance for a single scroll step.
auto onPress(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a finger / pen tap or left mouse press.
auto onPress(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onPressScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a finger / pen tap or left mouse press.
auto onPressScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onRelease(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a finger / pen tap or left mouse release.
auto onRelease(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onReleaseScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a finger / pen tap or left mouse release.
auto onReleaseScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onTapOrClick(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a finger / pen tap or left mouse click.
auto onTapOrClick(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onTapOrClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a finger / pen tap or left mouse click.
auto onTapOrClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onMiddleClick(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a middle mouse click.
auto onMiddleClick(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onMiddleClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a middle mouse click.
auto onMiddleClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onRightClick(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a right mouse click.
auto onRightClick(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onRightClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a right mouse click.
auto onRightClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onDrag(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a drag.
auto onDrag(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onDragScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a drag.
auto onDragScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onScroll(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&offset)>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a scroll.
auto onScroll(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&offset)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&offset)>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a scroll.
auto onScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&offset)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onDragOrScroll(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a drag or scroll.
auto onDragOrScroll(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> DataHandle -
auto onDragOrScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a drag or scroll.
auto onDragOrScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot) -> EventConnection -
auto onPinch(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativeTranslation, const Complex&relativeRotation, Float relativeScaling)>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a two-finger pinch, zoom or pan gesture.
auto onPinchScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativeTranslation, const Complex&relativeRotation, Float relativeScaling)>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a two-finger pinch, zoom or pan gesture.
auto onEnter(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a pointer enter.
auto onEnterScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a pointer enter.
auto onLeave(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a pointer leave.
auto onLeaveScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a pointer leave.
auto onFocus(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a focus.
auto onFocusScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a focus.
auto onBlur(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> DataHandle - Connect to a blur.
auto onBlurScoped(NodeHandle node,
Function<void()>&& slot) -> EventConnection - Scoped connection to a pointer leave.
- void remove(DataHandle handle)
- Remove a connection.
- void remove(LayerDataHandle handle)
- Remove a connection assuming it belongs to this layer.
Function documentation
Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: EventLayer(LayerHandle handle) explicit
Parameters | |
handle | Layer handle returned from AbstractUserInterface:: |
Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: EventLayer(EventLayer&&) noexcept
Move constructor.
Performs a destructive move, i.e. the original object isn't usable afterwards anymore.
Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: ~EventLayer() override
Expects that usedScopedConnectionCount() is 0
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: usedScopedConnectionCount() const
Count of currently active EventConnection instances.
Always at most usedCount(). The layer is only allowed to be destroyed after all scoped connections are removed, as the EventConnection destructors would then access a dangling layer pointer.
UnsignedInt Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: usedAllocatedConnectionCount() const
Count of allocated connections.
Always at most usedCount(). Counts all connections that capture non-trivially-destructible state or state that's too large to be stored in-place. The operation is done with a complexity where is capacity().
EventLayer& Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: setDragThreshold(Float distance)
Set a distance threshold for fallthrough drag.
When onDrag() is set up on a node with NodeFlag::distance
. Default is 16.0f
EventLayer& Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: setScrollStepDistance(const Vector2& distance)
Set a distance for a single scroll step.
When onDragOrScroll() is triggered from a scroll event, the scroll offset is multiplied with this value to get a movement equivalent to a pointer drag. It's possible to have a different horizontal and vertical distance, negative values then flip the scroll direction. Default is 100.0f
in both directions.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onPress(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a finger / pen tap or left mouse press.
The slot
, optionally receiving a node-relative position of the press, is called when a Pointer::node
, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onTapOrClick() for a combined press and release. The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onPressScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onPress(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onPressScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a finger / pen tap or left mouse press.
Compared to onPress() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onPressScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onRelease(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a finger / pen tap or left mouse release.
The slot
, optionally receiving a node-relative position of the release, is called when a Pointer::node
, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onTapOrClick() for a combined press and release. The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onReleaseScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onRelease(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onReleaseScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a finger / pen tap or left mouse release.
Compared to onRelease() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onReleaseScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onTapOrClick(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a finger / pen tap or left mouse click.
The slot
, optionally receiving a node-relative position of the tap or click, is called when a Pointer::node
after a previous primary pointer press, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. If event capture is disabled by any event handler on given node, the slot is called only if the pointer didn't leave the node area between a press and a release. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onRightClick() and onMiddleClick() to handle Pointer::node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onTapOrClickScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onTapOrClick(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onTapOrClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a finger / pen tap or left mouse click.
Compared to onTapOrClick() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onTapOrClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onMiddleClick(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a middle mouse click.
The slot
, optionally receiving a node-relative position of the click, is called when a Pointer::node
after a previous pointer press, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. If event capture is disabled by any event handler on given node, the slot is called only if the pointer didn't leave the node area between a press and a release. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onTapOrClick() and onRightClick() to handle Pointer::node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onMiddleClickScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onMiddleClick(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onMiddleClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a middle mouse click.
Compared to onMiddleClick() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onMiddleClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onRightClick(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a right mouse click.
The slot
, optionally receiving a node-relative position of the click, is called when a Pointer::node
after a previous pointer press, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. If event capture is disabled by any event handler on given node, the slot is called only if the pointer didn't leave the node area between a press and a release. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onTapOrClick() and onRightClick() to handle Pointer::node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onMiddleClickScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onRightClick(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onRightClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a right mouse click.
Compared to onRightClick() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onRightClickScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDrag(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
Connect to a drag.
The slot
, receiving the movement delta and optionally also a node-relative position at which the move happened, is called when a Pointer::node
. To prevent the slot from being triggered by drags that originated outside of node
, it's called only if the move event is captured on given node. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
See Scrolling using pointer drag for additional considerations when implementing scrollable views. In particular, if the event is originating on given node, the slot
gets called immediately. If it's a fallthrough event from a child node, the slot
gets called after the distance reaches the threshold configurable with setDragThreshold(), at which point which the event capture is transferred to node
Use onDragOrScroll() to handle both drag and mouse or touchpad scroll with a single interface. Use onPinch() to handle two-finger gestures. In particular, if onPinch() is handled by the layer as well, only one of onDrag() and onPinch() is called depending on whether a two-finger gesture is recognized, never both at the same time.
The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onDragScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDrag(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDragScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a drag.
Compared to onDrag() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDragScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onScroll(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&offset)>&& slot)
Connect to a scroll.
The slot
, receiving the scroll offset and optionally also a node-relative position at which the scroll happened, is called when a scroll happens on the node
. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Note that unlike onDrag(), the offset is not in UI units, but rather scroll steps, where 1.0f
usually maps to one tick of a mouse scroll wheel, with right and up being positive. Use onDragOrScroll() to handle both pointer drag and mouse or touchpad scroll with a single interface.
The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onScrollScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onScroll(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&offset)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&offset)>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a scroll.
Compared to onScroll() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&offset)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDragOrScroll(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
Connect to a drag or scroll.
Combines onDrag() and onScroll() in a single event handler, meant to be used to implement scrollable views that work with both touch and mouse or touchpad input. See their documentation for more information, especially related to pointer event fallthrough.
If the slot
is called in response to a scroll, the scroll offset is multiplied with a factor configurable with setScrollStepDistance() to get an equivalent of a pointer drag distance. You can specify a different horizontal and vertical value, if needed.
The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onDragOrScrollScoped() for a scoped alternative.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDragOrScroll(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDragOrScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a drag or scroll.
Compared to onDragOrScroll() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onDragOrScrollScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativePosition)>&& slot)
This is an overloaded member function, provided for convenience. It differs from the above function only in what argument(s) it accepts.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onPinch(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativeTranslation, const Complex&relativeRotation, Float relativeScaling)>&& slot)
Connect to a two-finger pinch, zoom or pan gesture.
The slot
is called when two or more Pointer::node
area, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. It receives a node-relative centroid position between the two presses, translation of the centroid relative to previous state of the two fingers, their relative rotation and scaling. Platform::slot
is not nullptr
By default, the gesture is tracked as long as the primary finger is pressed, even if the fingers are outside of the node area. If event capture is disabled by any event handler on given node, the gesture stops being tracked when any of the fingers leave the node area. The gesture also stops being tracked when given node loses visibility to events.
Use onDrag() to handle a regular single-finger, mouse or pen drag. In particular, if onDrag() is handled by the layer as well, only one of onDrag() and onPinch() is called depending on whether a two-finger gesture is recognized, never both at the same time.
The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onPinchScoped() for a scoped alternative.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onPinchScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void(const Vector2&position, const Vector2&relativeTranslation, const Complex&relativeRotation, Float relativeScaling)>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a two-finger pinch, zoom or pan gesture.
Compared to onPinch() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onEnter(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a pointer enter.
The slot
is called when a primary pointer moves over the node
area, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onLeave() to hadle the opposite case. The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onEnterScoped() for a scoped alternative.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onEnterScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a pointer enter.
Compared to onEnter() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onLeave(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a pointer leave.
The slot
is called when a primary pointer moves out of the node
area, and it isn't a fallthrough event from a child node. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onEnter() to hadle the opposite case. The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onLeaveScoped() for a scoped alternative.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onLeaveScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a pointer leave.
Compared to onLeave() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onFocus(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a focus.
The slot
is called when a node
is focused. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onBlur() to hadle the opposite case. The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onFocusScoped() for a scoped alternative.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onFocusScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a focus.
Compared to onFocus() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
DataHandle Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onBlur(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Connect to a blur.
The slot
is called when the node
is blurred. Expects that the slot
is not nullptr
Use onFocus() to hadle the opposite case. The returned DataHandle is automatically removed once node
or any of its parents is removed, it's the caller responsibility to ensure it doesn't outlive the state captured in the slot
. See onBlurScoped() for a scoped alternative.
EventConnection Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: onBlurScoped(NodeHandle node,
Containers:: Function<void()>&& slot)
Scoped connection to a pointer leave.
Compared to onBlur() the connection is removed automatically when the returned EventConnection gets destroyed.
void Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: remove(DataHandle handle)
Remove a connection.
Delegates to AbstractLayer::handle
becomes invalid, which means that any existing EventConnection instance for it will not attempt to remove it again.
void Magnum:: Ui:: EventLayer:: remove(LayerDataHandle handle)
Remove a connection assuming it belongs to this layer.
Delegates to AbstractLayer::handle
becomes invalid, which means that any existing EventConnection instance for it will not attempt to remove it again.